Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 6 and 7

Ctlaltdel       Level:  13  /played: 10:35  gold: 76.8

Ctlaltdeltwo Level:  15  /played: 6:11    gold: 0.8
Auctionator weekly #s: Revenue 522G, Expenditures: 444G, Net Profit: 77G

 (disclaimer: /played is not too accurate, I frequently walk away from the computer, answer the phone, get beer, smoke, talk to the wife or kids or otherwise go AFK, even writing this blog... Its just there as a novelty and indicator.)

Its Sunday and the last entry was Fri.  I continued playing Ctlaltdeltwo to level 15 Fri and ran another round of cancel/posting. I was able to get ghost wolf, now I just need to level on up to 21 I think to talent it into an instant cast.  (Side note: Previous shamman was a caster, this one is enhancement.  Terrible to play till you get a pair of weapons and get past level 10 or a bit higher.  Then, being a melee shaman was fun.

Day 5 cont:
So leveling the Ctlaltdeltwo, the Shaman, I found the flight past INSIDE The Exodar... HRMMmm.. and it conects to the first quest hub after the lvl 1-5 area... and I ran that toon all the way into town...  Not because I need the ore, or because I need the gold from selling it, more out of habbit, I saw some copper while leveling and went to mine it, and found I was unable to, I had no mining pick.  Its funny when you are equiping a grey quality weapon as an UG... Its sorta fun to do it all over again the "hard" way (no herilooms)
I hoped toons to mail some bags over and did a cancel/post, craft/post, jumped back, trained enchanting, purchased copper rods to sell, and sent various mats I had collected.  I always buy out the chant mats at the vendor when I am there unless I already have pile... can be good small income.

That was the rest of Fri evening...

Day 6:
Sat was mainly Yard work, help the neighbors, and get a sunburn... Only logged briefly to collect 122 Gold, cancel/post, train LW, Craft/post and set up ZA for expanding markets as my crafting window has more to sell now.  Leather scraps > light lether, Tin Ore, prospecting,  Daily cooking and fishing quests... and off to my main account for a brief time..

EVERYTHING I am selling is for profits... I am only posting 2 at a time of each item.  Though some are likely to start getting posted at 3, since they seem to be selling out daily.  Look for the post in the near future for some screenshots and deeper explanations of how I am crafting and posting manually.

Whats selling (for profits of course)
Tigerseye band
Solid Bronze Ring
Elegant Silver Ring (only one)
Delicate Copper Wire
Light Leather (though this is all being used for crafting now, it was some starter gold)
Malachite Pendant
Cured Light Hide
Thick Bronze Neck
Woven Copper Ring
Inlaid Malachite Pendant
Simple Pearl Ring (only one)
Heavy Copper Ring
Embossed Leather Boots
Light Leather Bracers
Vendor Pets (Moths and Owls for now)
Cocoa Beans and or Meats from daily cooking quest tokens
Copper Rod (from Enchanting Vendor)
Strong Fishing Pole (from fishing vendors)
(have also sold a bunch of drops and stuff from questing, cloth, BOEs etc...)

Bronze Torq
Ring of Silver Might
Brilliant Necklace
Embossed Leather Vest
Fine Leather Belt
Embossed Leather Gloves
Embossed Leather Cloak

Why I expect things are selling...  As for the LW and JC items...  every thing that is selling has either stamina or primary stats (str, int, agi) or both.  They are great gear for the entry to BGs and dungeons, and I am the only one selling it or frequently undercutting the few others in the market.

Things are NOT selling I expect for one of these reasons.  MY threshold is too high, the stats have spirit, or the market is at present flooded with someone who recently crafted 5-10 or more and unloaded them into the AH at or below cost, and below my threshold.  I am only trying to sell for PROFIT, and if the profit is not measured at 1 gold or more per sale, I am not terribly interested, its just not worth my time to craft and sell it for such little returns...

Day 7
More fun, More gold in the mail.  More cancel/post and craft/post.  It takes a little more time running around Darnassus, and not having HUGE bags, but that will come in time.  I also am having to visit the trainers as I continue to level the professions.  Its not much but it is time running around and adds up for now. 

But a routine begins to set in... Now a run around darnassus to look for limited supply stuff. :-)

HMMM.. there is a shield at one merchant... Ringed Buckler, it's white quality, but level 14... and COULD later sell with an enchant on it to the almost level 15 wanna be tanks... :-) note to self...
Gonna try try selling vanishing powder..  I considered picking up the vendor profession bags, and decided against it, even without looking at this servers markets, I suspect its a camped market...
What I got out of that was 3 limited supply enchanting formulas, 2 greenies and an idea for later...also trained up JC and LW and stocked up on thread for LW and got an LW quest for another pattern.. :-)... but overall, likely not going to be worth the time to make a habit of running around Darn for limited supply items. Not by my assesment anyway... :-)
New paterns in LW and JC after training, time to craft, set up ZA and start a market trial... :-)
Cancel/Post, Craft/post and check mail/post (check for the pets in mail)
All that done and Day 7 is pretty much done,

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