Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 5

Ctlaltdel       Level: 5   /played:  8:15 gold: 1.2Silver
Ctlaltdeltwo Level: 12 /played:  1:45 gold: 7.8Silver
(disclaimer: /played is not too accurate, I frequently walk away from the computer, answer the phone, get beer, smoke, talk to the wife or kids or otherwise go AFK, even writing this blog... Its just there as a novelty and indicator but you may easily be able to beat the number by large margins.)

Today was about 30 minutes on Ctlaltdel, and almost none on Cltaltdeltwo other than a brief login, return mail of pets...
The amount of time daily is dwindling.. Oportunity cost invested is starting to pay off.

Login -> colect 62 gold from auctions using postal, collect failed auctions too -> Cancel post auctions -> Mouse over the "mail storage" (pets atm) and see if I have 2 each listed, grab and post... Scamper off and complete the daily fishing quest and the daily cooking.  More cocoa beans to sell.. though they do not seem to be selling atm.  While getting my lure for the fishing quest, I did see a +5 fishing pole, WOOT, should be an easy flip for a couple gold.

-> Moving on to more business. Scan the AH, and review inventory of each item I can craft, and craft a min qty to post, put in the ZA groups for auto cancel posting.  3 x 6 slot bags and 1 x 8 slot bag, just not cutting it... next investment 4 x 16 slot bags, netherweave...  still have about 15 gold, some mats in the bags and mail, get a couple more for a round of crafting. Again, to do this, and decide what to craft I am opening the AH window with Auctionator, and the crafting window for JC in this case.  Shift click the finished item in the crafting window to check prices on the item in the AH, shift click the mats in the interface to search/buy mats.
Open LW crafting window now too.  I can still get points on scraps to leather and it looks profitable today-> buy out all the cheap scraps-GO to mailbox, pull out and equip new bags, the Openall with postal.  Craft all the scraps to leather, for posting later, grab a few bars mailed over from ctlaltdeltwo (remember, I changed the setting in postal to not open mail from other toons, only the AH items, sales, expired auctions, canceled auctions and purchased items.)  Take a guess, and JC craft 2-3 each of what I have mats for.  Set them up in ZA.  LW hit 40 and making light leather is gray now... JC leveled up to 90, time to hit up the trainers..

Things well set, about 30 minutes in game, a final cancel post.. and log...  I can not list some of the items I would since I can not even cover the AH deposit fees ATM...

Update:  as I wrote this, I remembered I forgot to manually list some auctions, namely the leather, and a water walking pot for the daily fishing... so, I logged to post them, and that actually when I ran out of money to post more.  However, a quick peak at the auctions, and some delicate copper wire sold so I already have about 10 gold comming in and will log later to post the rest of it.

Near future plans:
  • Level Ctlaltdel to level 16 so I can train travel form...  currently I have instant cast Kitty form for 30% run speed, but travel form will be 40%... I want it. He will continue to level by doing the daily quests, but no immediate future plans to rush him to level 20.   20 because at that point I will be able to train professions to 225, currently limmited to 150.
  • Level Ctlaltdeltwo to level 15... Ghost wolf 40% movement increase...  I will appreciate that running him around The Exodar
  • roll and level a worgen, a dwarf and a gnome.. to park at pet/vendor locations and to see the new starting zones, gnome and worgen in particular...
Thats all for day 5...

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